Kaitlyn has finished 5 weeks at school. Here are some things she has picked up along the way:
2 colds! During her 2nd week at the daycare, her nose got runny. She only ran a slight fever one night. Eric called a nurse help-line and they gave us some great tips on how to suction her nose. That is never fun, but it sure does cut back on what comes running down her face. And since she hates to have her nose wiped... I guess you pick your battles. I don't think she was over the cold a week and it seemed to come back again. Oh well, we knew this was coming.
A bite!! One Friday when Eric went to pick Kaitlyn up, they let him know that one of her "friends" bit her! Apparently another child was playing with a book that made noise. Well, Kaitlyn loves toys like that. So she proceeded to walk over and push the button so the book would make noise. This kid rewarded her by biting her in the arm!! I should have taken a picture. We could have identified this kid using the mark he left on her arm (I'm just assuming it was a boy)! You could see the entire mouth on her poor little arm. At least it didn't break the skin!
Red clothes!!! Kaitlyn has gotten to "paint" at school. The first time she did this (to make cute hand print cards for grandparents day), she had it all over her dress. I didn't think too much of it because I figured it must be washable. But hmm, no luck. Maybe they can tell us in advance when they are going to paint and I'll send her in that same dress?!?! Oh well, she had already gotten a lot of use out of that dress.
She also has learned to kick her toys. If you stack blocks for her, she walks over and kicks them over. Kinda cute. And great for her future as a soccer player ;)
On the bright side, she has learned to sit at a little table and eat her meals. We ask her if she is ready to eat and she runs over to the new little table we got for her, climbs up in the chair and is ready to go. And good news is she now lets her teacher feed her. For the first couple of weeks the poor girl came home super hungry because she wouldn't eat at daycare.
She seems to love it. She doesn't cry when I drop her off anymore. She seems super excited to get down and get playing. Gotta love it!