Kaitlyn got her report card a few weeks ago. The 9 week period ended on 3/7. The teachers had a lot more to say this time:
Annual Goal: Kaitlyn will increase mastery of Speech Therapy skills as demonstrated by meeting the objectives below. Specific skills targeted include: Language Development.
Progress: 40%
Comments: Kaitlyn is using more language during therapy and is responding more to direct questions. She appears to really like the other children in her group. She watches them which seems to increase her verbal output.
Objective: By the end of 36 weeks, Kaitlyn will label 10 pictoral/objects presented by the speech therapist (developmental/curriculum-based) each session over 6 consecutive sessions. (baseline - 5)
Progress: 30%
Comments: Kaitlyn is naming objects more spontaneously with less echoing. She is also responding more often to a direct question.
Objective: By the end of 36 weeks, Kaitlyn will participate in singing familiar songs, fingerplays, rhymes during group activities in 7 of 10 opportunities. (baseline: 0)
Progress: 25%
Comments: Kaitlyn is increasing participation in songs both with words and movements given verbal and tactile prompts.
Objective: By the end of 36 weeks, give a structured task, Kaitlyn will use ritual social phrases (good morning, thank you, how are you) in 7 out of 10 opportunities. (baseline: 0)
Progress: 30%
Comments: Kaitlyn is increasing her response to her name with "I am here" and is working on greeting the other members of the group when their name is called. She greets others in the hallways.
Objective: By the end of 36 weeks, given a structured task, Kaitlyn will produce 3-5 words to call attention to an object (this is my ball, I want _____) in 7 out of 10 opportunities. (baseline: 0)
Progress: 25%
Comments: Beginning to imitate or use some spontaneous phrases. She does very well with the older girls in her group and appears to be using them as models.
Annual Goal: Kaitlyn will increase mastery of Activities of Daily Living I skills as demonstrated by meeting the objectives below. Specific skills targeted include: Fine Motor
Progress: 60%
Objective: By the end of the ARD year, Kaitlyn will string 5 beads on a string with 70% accuracy. (baseline: new skill)
Progress: 60%
Annual Goal: Kaitlyn will increase mastery of Activities of Daily Living I skills as demonstrated by meeting the objectives below. Specific skills targeted include: Social
Progress: 50%
Objective: By the end of the ARD year, Kaitlyn will attend in circle time for 15 minutes with 2 or less prompts with 70% accuracy. (baseline: attends 1-2 minutes)
Progress: 50%
Comments: Kaitlyn will attend to circle time for 20 minutes with 50% accuracy
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