Babies Bork

Babies Bork

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Summer Stomach Bugs

In July we were hit by a stomach bug.  Hailey was patient zero - on Saturday morning I went to get her in the morning and she had thrown up in her crib.  It was weird because she didn't have any on her pajamas and it was dried in the bed.  I guess she must have done it early in the night but never cried out for us.  Poor kiddo.  We layed low that day but she never ran a fever.  She did have diarrea, but nothing else was off.

On Tuesday morning, Kaitlyn threw up in the parking lot at daycare.  She was about to get out the car and she gave me a funny look.  Poor kiddo has still not mastered how to throw up.  And it freaks her out.  It was my busy time at work so I called Eric and he met me at home so he could stay home with Kaitlyn.  She got sick one more time but then she was fine for the rest of the day.

On Wednesday, Eric woke up and didn't feel well.  So he stayed home again with Kaitlyn.

On Thursday, we sent Kaitlyn back to school because she had been doing fine since Tuesday mid-morning.  I ended up leaving work `because I wasn't feeling well.  I think it was in my head a little bit because everyone else had been sick because I ended up being fine.  But that night Kaitlyn came down and threw up on the couch. The diarrea started a few hours later and she spent a lot of the day on Friday in the bathroom.  But then she rebounded and seemed better.  Again, no fever.

On Saturday, it was parent's night out at daycare.  Kaitlyn had been doing fine for over 24 hours so we took her.  When Eric went to pick her up, she was sleeping.  The teachers mentioned that she had some diarrea.  Eric was almost home when she threw up all over the car.  Not again!  Not a fun week at the Aitken house.

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