Babies Bork

Babies Bork

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

February/March 2016

Popsicles are all the rage these days.  I love seeing Kaitlyn eat them. The texture.... It's cold.... And sweets!

And look at this cutie?  Life is so hard sometimes!

Wacky Wednesday!  Crazy outfit, I know!  I succeeded in getting her to wear 2 different shoes.  And horrors - turquoise with RED!  No matter - she loved it.

The girls have enjoyed helping us make them PB&J sandwiches.  I catch Hailey just asking to make it... Then she doesn't want to eat it!

Hailey started swim lessons in March.  I took her for a few weeks while I was off work.  Now Grandpa Aitken takes her on Wednesday afternoon.  She is making big progress.  

I bit the bullet and conquered my fear - lunch in the cafeteria at Kaitlyn's school!  Kaitlyn was so cute.  She took me right onstage and acted like we did that all the time.  You could tell she felt important with me there!

Sweet sisters.

A favorite thing to do - wash mommy's car!

Easter egg hunt by the neighborhood pool!

Look at Kaitlyn - such a big girl riding all by herself!

Kaitlyn went to Camilia's birthday party at an indoor pool place.  She had a blast.


Dying Easter eggs with Grandma!

And look what we found - a picnic set up in Hailey's tent for all of the Hello Kitties!  I cannot believe how many Hello Kitties we have!!

More swim lessons photos.

And finally a good set of pictures from Rainbow for Hailey!

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