Babies Bork

Babies Bork

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sleep issues already?

It's been a long time since I've slept through the night. Every night I wake up at least once to go to the bathroom. But in the past week, I've been waking multiple times because my hands are asleep. At first I thought this was a result of me sleeping on my side. But after asking and reading around, I found out that this is a side effect!

I'm going pillow shopping at lunch because I've received some tips from friends who have recommended the boppy maternity pillow to help alleviate this. It's good to know I'm not the only one who has this problem.

On an unrelated note, I went to a baby shower this weekend for Marina. We played a game in which we had to smell diapers to figure out what food related items were in them. My ability to identify smells was so off! Some of the funnier ones:
  • I smelled Reese's Peanut Butter cups when it was just peanut butter,
  • I smelled marshmallow when it was vanilla,
  • I smelled pickles when it was mustard.

Hmmm... has my smell always been so off?