We have a date set! I had my appointment this morning and the doctor scheduled an induction for Friday! We are to report to the hospital at 5am (Eric’s chin hit the ground when they said that) and they will start to monitor us and administer the drugs. She said she would be by after that to break my water.
My blood pressure remains pretty high (140/80) but the baby’s heart is strong in the 140’s. The doc thought my swelling was worse but I assured her it was frequently that bad! She did the internal exam and said I was almost 2cm dilated and was still 70% effaced. She then stripped my membranes - not fun!
Oh and I got the swine flu vaccine.
I got my membranes stripped with Carlin. Went into labor that day! Hopefully it'll give you a jump start and you won't need the induction. Either way, she'll be here soon!!!!