Babies Bork

Babies Bork

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Autism Walk

Today we participated in the Walk for Autism.  I was really glad that we were able to do that as a family.  Last year I wanted to participate but I got pink eye.  We started out the day bright and early.  I messed up the alarm and so we overslept a bit.  But the kids were troopers.  They both rode most of the 2 mile walk in the strolller.  Kaitlyn got out a few times and tried to push Hailey but otherwise she just sat back and took in the sights.  I think they both really enjoyed looking at all of the people.  After the walk we headed with my MoCAA group to Bigz for lunch.  The girls ran around a ton together.  That was our first trip since the girls really starting playing together.  So it was cute to see them run around.  A great day!

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