I took Kaitlyn to the doctor on Friday for her 6 month check-up and shots. Here are her stats:
Weight - 13 lbs, 12 oz (1 lb, 14 oz gain from 4 months)
Length - 26 1/4 inches (1 3/4 inches since last visit)
Head - 44 cm
Her weight (although low) has kept along the same percentile range, so the doctor is pleased. We decided to stop the pepcid, because the vomiting has stopped (knock on wood) and she no longer shows discomfort at feedings. We also decided to stop adding formula to the breast milk (we were adding it to make it high calorie). However, the doctor wants us to stop in for a weight check in 6 weeks to make sure she is staying on track. She called Kaitlyn "thin" but said she looked good.
When asked if Kaitlyn was sleeping well, I responded that she didn't nap well but that she slept a good 11 hours straight at night. I asked what we could do to help her napping, and the doctor laughed and said we should just be happy with the night-time sleep. That basically we were lucky!
We were given the green light to introduce fruits and vegetables, with a new one introduced every 3 to 5 days. Good thing, because Kaitlyn needs some more fiber in her diet. She has been grunting and struggling a bit these days. Probably because she has only been eating rice cereal, which doesn't have any fiber in it.
Then Kaitlyn got all her shots (yuck!) which of course made her cry. But she calmed down quickly. But she was out of sorts that night and must have been having some side effects. Poor thing had a tough time falling asleep and seemed a bit warm.
Next visit at 9 months.