At one point, I was holding her and I could tell that she was really tired. She was rubbing her eyes and rubbing her face on my shirt. So I went to put her in her stroller. I intended to put her down and then adjust her so she was in a good position. Well let me tell you - she was asleep practically before her head hit the stroller! Needless to say, I just left her in that position. Even though she was on a toy (at least it was a soft toy).
After the party, I stopped at Babies 'R Us to buy a jogging stroller. When I got there, she was asleep so I almost decided to skip the trip. But instead I pulled the stroller out and put her in it (still in her car seat). She stirred a little, but slept while I shopped. Getting the new stroller was challenging, to say the least. I was pushing her stroller and dragging the shopping cart. Luckily, there was a worker close by and he helped me to the car. I managed to get her back in the car and she went back to sleep.
When we got home, she even pet Big Kitty for the first time. At first Big Kitty was weary of her but once he realized she was going to pet him - he was all for it. Just wait until she pulls his hair or his tail!
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